C&M Report Issue 1

Roots is a recreational program designed by the Kelberman Center for adults with developmental disabilities who are interested in the outdoors and who are not afraid to get a little dirty. The participants meet every Thursday and Friday at The Root Farm in a group setting. Roots allows the participants to learn the fundamentals of different tasks around the farm that most people do not get to experience during their life. Some of these task include, planting crops, harvesting produce, assisting in the maple syrup and honey production, preparation for special events, and the list goes on! Along with volunteering, Roots participants also get to help plan the activities each week. One of the activities the group decided was to create a newsletter for the Root Farm, showcasing what goes on behind the scenes. The participants worked hard for over a month planning, interviewing, writing the articles, taking pictures, and editing to create their first newsletter! If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please e-mail info@rootfarm.org